Sunday, October 24, 2010

Live by the Truth

It is 6:30 in the morning, and I just read a line from 'The Mother' which says that the person who says 'I dont want anything' and the person who says 'I want this thing' have the same attitude. Because both are equally attached to their 'Desire' and 'Renunciation'.

A thought came to me from a verse in the Gita that, we should not expect anything and just do the Karma. How True! I could not help but relate the two ideas which in a way suggest the same thing.

Two different people from two different Eras speaking the same truth in different words and in different contexts. How did they know or even experience this truth?Did they both have access to the same Supreme Force? I really do not know!!!

I am only reading it today.I someday hope to realise and possibly live by that thought or the Truth.I hope one day the world will be a place where one can actually 'Live' by the 'Truth'

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